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喜んでもらえるのが幸せ Entertaining is my life

The days stayed in Viña del mar,Chile on 27,Dec 2017 - 5,Jan 2018

My friend told me that.

"Why dont you go to Viña del mar? there is hostel many Japanese gather and fresh fish market there."

Finally I stayed there more than a week because I really enjoyed cooking with fresh seafoods and spending time with good friends.We go to fish market everyday and look at seafoods and decide what to cook tonight.

I acted "chef" everyday because I originally like cooking.Cooked Ramen,Curry,Spagetty(Of course all with seafoods)Especially I want to mention about cooking "Osechi"

New year day is very important for Japanese.

"Osechi" is special meal on new year and preapared before crossing year.Osechi is mixed with many dishes normally more than 10 kinds.It was difficult to find ingredients for making Osechi in Chile.I needed to concider what can make. I stood in kitchen whole day, finally I made it.

On 1th January 2018,my friends seemed to be happy eating Osechi in opposite side of planet.

I was exhausted but really satisfied with happiness.

My pleasure is making people enjoy with my doing like coffee,cooking,photos,and etc.

Now I do them alwasys on its time but finally want to have place where I always can provide fun to people.

I had thought I do not need to spend time with Japanese although I traveled in foreign country and also should communicate wtih local and tourists of other countries.But it was boring thinking. The days of spending with my Japanese friends were especial.

Anyway,I really wanna miss traveling by bike.Patagonia should wait for me. Go ahead!

サンティアゴからバスで2時間、太平洋に面するViña del marという街にやって来た。歯医者の診療待ちで暇を持て余していた僕に友人が勧めてれたこの街には新鮮な魚介が並ぶ魚市場があり、購入したその魚を近くの日本人の集まる宿で調理して海鮮三昧が出来るというのだ。歯医者待ちの3日間だけそこで滞在する予定だったのだが、これが楽しかった。サンティアゴで全ての用事を済ませた後、僕はパタゴニアに向かうのでは無く、このViña del marで仲間と年越しをするべく戻ってきたのである。旅慣れてきた今、海外に来てまで日本人とつるまなくてもと思っていたが、ここで知り会えた仲間は素敵な人達ばかりで、先のような考えはくだらないこだわりだったと感じたのである(とはいえ日本語ばかり話していると、警戒心なり旅に必要な感覚が鈍るのでやはりこういう機会は時々で十分だ。)





(Vina del mar からバスですぐ行ける Barparaiso 。港町の坂道にはカラフルな家々が立ち並び、街中では至る所でギャラリーやストリートグラフィティ等様々なアートを楽しめます。)

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