新たな旅路へ Brand New Journey
こんにちは。Sasurai Kissaのユウスケです。オーストラリアはメルボルンでのバリスタ修行から帰国したのが2019年の5月。それ以来のブログ更新となります。 オーストラリアから帰国した時点で予定していた海外プランは全てやり切ることが出来、一度このブログ更新にも見切りを...
さすらい喫茶はこれからも "Keep Going"
自転車こいでます I'm riding in NZ
I finished work in Melbourne and left Australia. Now I'm traveling by bike in New Zealand and go back to Japan in few weeks. It's Autumn...
きっと招き猫のおかげ Thanks, Cats.
I was going to leave Melbourne on beginning of Feb. But I've decided to stay two months more for working. I was curious in cooking at my...
ぶどう畑でつかまえて "The Catcher in the Vine"
I went to small trip with camping on begining of 2019.Main destination was "Yarra Valley" where is famous of wine close to...
My favorites in Melbourne "On Saddle"
This time,I introduce cycling route in Melbourne which I often go. 今回は僕がよく行くメルボルンのサイクリングルートをご紹介したいと思います。 ・Bay Trail (fitness level ☆)...
My favourites in Melbourne "Off Saddle"
I want to write about my favourite spots in Melbourne.Good cycling routes will be posted on next time. メルボルンについてから陰気な話ばかり挙げているので、普通(普通とは...
この街の人間になるまでに "Way to be into this city"
I've stayed in Melbourne,Australia for 6 months so far.The reason I came here is to work in coffee industry because Melbourne is well-know...
I've come to Melbourne,Australia.The purpose is not for cycling,it's to enhance my coffee experience and something...