さあ、宴の始まりだ。"Let's get Rock!"
I gonna go journey to South-America sometime soon.It was awesome year staying in my country,Japan.I could learn many things from...

そしてまた夏を迎える "Early Summer"
Summer is just around corner.I can't believe it's been a year since I came back to Japan from New Zealand. Recently,I was officially...

桜の旅 "Trip of Sakura"
The spring season should be the season that most Japanese have counted down until it,because cold winter finish and Cherry blossom...

それでもゆっくり歩みたい "Walk Slow"
Japanese spring is so beautiful. Ground is covered with wild flowers.Cherry blossoms are blew in the wind and fresh green brights on the...

心はすでにアンデスに Already Started
I've got started preparetion of traveling in Andes & Patagonia that I'm planning from September. There are many things I should consider....

冬と珈琲 "Brew in Winter"

冬の地固めと、その愉しみ Foundation to go forward
Few stories to mention in this winter. Let me get straight to the point,I will go for a journey to South America from this September. I...

続けること、笑うこと Keep Doing and Laugh
We welcomed new year 2017.I'm planing to travel to Andes & Patagonia on Second half of this year.It would be harder cycling than...

秋と野遊び "Play in Autumn"
I enjoyed a day trips by bike and camping.Nara prefecture is my favourrite place where is next to Osaka that is my home town. At the...

秋と珈琲 "Brew in Autumn"
Talking about enjoying coffee in the Autumn.I'm working at coffee shop where has a coffee roasting machine.When we sell roasted coffee...