水と川とトゥルーチャと "Rio,agua,y trucha"
After leaving Tanta,we aimed to Huancaya. Road construction has progressed,so single track decreased to just 2km(But you may have to get...

復活のロモ・サルタード "Lomo Saltado"
Third day of Peru's Great Divide. Headache left in my head little before 4900m altitude pass.But we don't have many choises beside going...

肥しの上で暮らすとは "Live on Poo"
"Peru's Great Divide" This route is suggested by one cyclists blog"Andes by Bike".It starts from Huaraz and ends in Huncavelica.I was so...

体育会系サイクリストに俺はなる?"Can be strong cyclist?"
Matucana was pretty and calm town,I liked it and stayed two days.And next,went to San Mateo.It was just 20km from Matucana,however I have...

風が行け、と言っている。"Tail Wind"
I started cycling from Lima on Sunday.Hostel owner said Sunday is fewest traffic a week.However,after leaving central city,I was...

自分のケツは自分で蹴れ "Kick my ass"
I arrived at Lima,Peru.At first,I walked at local market and ride a bike in the city.Those are for getting used "the atmosphere of...

さて、行ってきますか。 "Starting New Journey"
これから半年間も遥か遠い場所を旅しようというに緊張感はまるで無く、穏やかに出発の時を待っていた。旅に出るというかは、旅に戻るという感じか。空港で両親に挨拶して搭乗ゲートへ向かう。ではいってきます。 1日目は成田に移動して終わり。これから現地まで長期戦なので、ホテル泊まり・・...

Equipment for Andes
I changed some gear for traveing South-America.But it's not only for Andes,I think good choise to travel in many places because those are...

さあ、宴の始まりだ。"Let's get Rock!"
I gonna go journey to South-America sometime soon.It was awesome year staying in my country,Japan.I could learn many things from...

そしてまた夏を迎える "Early Summer"
Summer is just around corner.I can't believe it's been a year since I came back to Japan from New Zealand. Recently,I was officially...